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Friday, February 18, 2011

Warm Breezes

I've been a bad blogger . . . It's been a couple weeks since I shared any of our life around the barn.  The horses are all doing great!  The weather has been really mild for a few days, so the horses haven't had to go into the barn for the nights.  I think they are happy.  If there was any doubt in my mind about how well behaved our horses are, it was wiped away this past week.  About an hour after dark, I went with a friend to the barn to feed for the evening.  I was startled to see the horses hanging out next to the road!  After a momentary panic, I began to call the horses.  They came to me immediately!  All of them!  They came to the barn door and waited nearly single file until I had their stalls ready.  I then began leading them into the barn . . . one at a time while the others waited patiently outside the door.  I was amazed and grateful!  What could have been a horrible ending to the day actually turned into one of the most inspirational times I've had with the horses. 

I have posted photos of our new horse, Cindy Lou, on our Facebook page - Timberline Stables.  Go take a look if you haven't already.  Also, we will have a brand new website up within the next few weeks.  We are gearing up for our busiest season, and there are changes coming . . . . more on that in another blog.

Have a great weekend and I'll see ya round the barn.